About Us
Be Agent online is a technology company which has developed a unique SaaS platform which provides tools and systems for travel agents in our new digital era, in a quick and simple method requiring only the click of a button.
The entire world has undergone a technological revolution. The move to digital platforms has disrupted the business world we once knew. Also, the entrance to the market of major international travel-booking websites caused extensive changes to the travel industry, making the difficulties of being a small travel agency more acute.
In order to reserve a vacation package, a travel agent often has to pay large holding fees in order to connect with each particular vendor, to design and manage a website that meets the high standards of modern international booking sites, to purchase a reservation tracking and management system, a lead management system, and a number of other programs. All together, these amount to very high and significant costs, causing great hardship for a small agency, especially at its inception.
Be Agent online recognized this difficulty and the needs of travel agents, and developed for them a comprehensive platform which provides them with all of their needs, so that they can compete in the modern digital marketplace without the need for significant investment or outside assistance.
This platform allows for you to continue to work in the tourism sphere without the need for large initial capital outlay or the need to purchase all of the necessary expensive systems while worrying about being an attractive choice with tourism providers.